500 Clown

GroundPlan & Website

What They Needed

500 Clown are a troupe of radical clowns who wanted to bring their provocative process to the web.   We brought a number of creative technologies to tell their story in ways that extend and enhance their live performances.  

One of their requirements was for a record of all the people and organizations that inspired and supported the development of 500 Clown’s work.  We built an interactive web of connections (the 500 cloud) that serve as both research tool and fun toy – you can reorient the web to focus on any person or show to see the intricate connections that led to the work.

What We Accomplished

500 Clown is built on a belief that there is no singular authority or perspective, and we applied that ethos to our own content strategy process.  This exploration led to small content touches like marginalia that encourage you to rotate your laptop as you read the site, to a randomized “Provocation” page with a series of perspective-bending exercises like “Type standing up” and ‘Make up a song as  you go along & Leave a voicemail.’

Go ahead:  Try it at your next party! http://500clown.com/provocations

As with every site we create, we outfitted the site with an easy-to-use content management system so that 500 clown could easily load the site with more provocations, more connections, more shows, and more fun.

visit 500clown.com